Tuesday, 27 January 2015

New LP "Build & Destroy" Zaze @zazemusic

 Zaze's 3rd album titled "Build and Destroy". 

This Album Features Artists such as Trae Da Truth, Peter Jackson, Flex the Antihero, as well as production by Metcalfe Productions, SK Productions, Dj Grim Reaper, MMac Productions, VP Productions and more.....


released 13 January 2015 

courtesy of 90nickel Ent. 

All lyrics performed and written by Zaze except for the features. 

All recording done by Dan Ablack @ Shark Tank Studios. 

Zaze started rapping in 2001 when he formed A-Fam with a couple of friends in high school, Flex and Theory. The group then formed with fellow hip hop artists K-Stu and Peter Jackson in 2005, to become 90Nickel Entertainment. 

Zaze has played over 250 shows since 2005.

Zaze will not compromise who he is. Which is a huge part of what sets him apart from most hip hop artists today.  less

Monday, 26 January 2015

@KingOfTheDot - #FL3 GZ - @Shockz vs @StepEasy3rdAve @GullyTK, @OrganikHipHop @BishopBrigante

KOTD - Rap Battle - GZ - Aftershock vs Step Easy

Two of  my longtime favorites  in KOTD I love Canadian vs Canadian battles. Its more hunger
Both guys been off the scene in a bit and both came at each others
They both attacked each other weaknesses Both had some slept on haymakers 

When my next battle drop I want to see what Step thinks of my Mr Perfect bar.  Went different angle 

I voted Aftershock taking first 2 Step the third Very Close battle to drop 

Friday, 23 January 2015

Battle Rap Friday Vol # 3 Young Gattas @younggattas @KingOfTheDot @urltv @grindtimenow

The Best Female in Battle rap no question. You can name the other but they aint comparing to Gattas. She came in battling dudes and one of the few that I think can hold her own against top guy rappers
She managed by Drect and has some pretty good tracks


KOTD - Rap Battle - Bonnie Godiva vs Young Gattas


Gattas finally makes her Queen of the Ring debut vs Vet Chayna Ashley

Grind Time Now presents: Swave Sevah & QB vs Young Gattas & Drect

Grind Time Now Presents: Young Gattas vs Tut

Gattas showing her freestyle skills vs Tut GT Midwest 

Grind Time Presents: Young Gattas vs Sara Kana Pt. 1

Felt Gattas got robbed her but great female battle

Friday, 16 January 2015

Battle Rap Friday Vol 2 Hollow The Don @hollowdadonlom

So for Volume 2 I decided to post about the battle rapper that I consider the greatest battle rapper alive right now Hollow The Don

Hollow the Don is one of the few battle rappers who has participated in multiple platforms and found success. From JumpOff to 106&Park, and  to GrindTime to URL. From Lux on UW and Joe Budden on Total Slaughter. Hollow the Don has been able to display his versatility in so many different arenas.
One of the many things that sets Hollow apart from his peers is his high freestyle ability he shows in his battles.


This is Hollow on 106 and Park
One of the first time Hollow goes to West he faces FreshCoast Veteran Okwerdz. This is after Okwerdz gets some victories over Rex and Arsonal. Hollow comes from the East to Rep and end Okwerdz streak

Here's one of the two times Hollow goes to FreshCoast for GT facing underrated WestCoast Vet Pass ( Formerly Passwurdz) One of the few times its a debatable lost but Hollow came with one of the best intros.

Hollow running in the East versus another underground legend with Philly Swain.

Hollow vs Hitman is a battle of heavyweights. Hollow should his freestyle ability through this shit

Hollow return battle from being locked up He goes against the #1 battler in New Jersey Tsu Surf
Again this is a debatable battle between two heavyweights

This was one of the most anticipated battles we've had in a long time. It was Loaded Lux 2nd battle back and Hollows 2nd battle back from a long hiatus.
It is one of the most debatable battles ever I have Hollow winning this one between two of my favorites

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

90Nickel Entertainment Presents: ZAZE - BUILD & DESTROY The Album @zazemusic

This is Zaze's 3rd album titled

This Album Features Artists such as Trae Da Truth, Peter Jackson, Flex the Antihero, as well as production by Metcalfe Productions, SK Productions, Dj Grim Reaper, MMac Productions, VP Productions and more.....


released 13 January 2015 

courtesy of 90nickel Ent. 

All lyrics performed and written by Zaze except for the features. 

All recording done by Dan Ablack @ Shark Tank Studios. 

Production credits in full on back cover of album.

Monday, 12 January 2015

Favorite World Domination Battles @OrganikHipHop @KingOfTheDot @AvocadoIsGod @GullyTK @DeffinitionMC @FlipTop_Battles @AFliptop

KOTD - Rap Battle - Tricky P vs Deffinition

KOTD - WD2 - D-Lor vs Deffinition

KOTD - Rap Battle - Hollohan vs Pat Stay

KOTD - Rap Battle - Kid Twist vs Eurgh

KOTD - Rap Battle - Bender vs 24/7

KOTD - WD2 - Aftershock vs Anygma (FlipTop)

KOTD - WD2 - Loe Pesci vs Ness Lee -

KOTD - Rap Compliment Battle - Tricky P vs Deffinition *WD2* 

KOTD - WD2 - Illmaculate vs Bender

KOTD - Rap Battle - Pat Stay vs Head ICE (CANADA vs USA)

KOTD - Rap Battle - Arcane vs Pat Stay (Title Match)

KOTD - Rap Battle - Charron vs DNA

KOTD - Rap Battle - Bonnie Godiva vs Young Gattas

KOTD - Rap Battle - J-Pro vs Anygma (USA vs PHILIPPINES)

Friday, 9 January 2015

Battle Rap Friday Vol 1 Mr. Mumbles @KingOfTheDot @BeastmodeBL @JonnyJibbz @GotbarsBL

On this blog I will posting battles from some of my favorite battlers Some will be known around the world, some will be local rappers, some will be international battles that might not be known but I really enjoy them

Please Check back every Friday to see the new battle of the day

Seeing how this is Volume 1 we will start with myself

This is mt last battle at GotBars ( because of no shows)
Vs The King a victory for me
One of my favorite as both of us came correct

This is my last battle at BeastMODE Battles Vs Skinny Dooms. I took the loss in the decision but i felt that allot especially in my first was slept on

This is my 2nd round battle in the GotBars Tournament Vs Freestyler I took the loss slipped a bit but thought I had some good stuff here
This is my 1st round in the GotBars tournament Vs Provincial took the win in a close decision. I like this as both of us freestyle which maked the battle more fun My First Battle On BeastMode Was Supposed to be at another place but got rebooked for my debut I slipped a bit in my third but I thought I took the battle but didn't get the decisionThis was my first and probably only time on the KOTD mainstage because KingFly was my partner. Watching it back we actual had some nice bars but really didn't prepare and practice 

My first battle on KOTD Vs Mookie Wilson. This was classic for a few reasons 

1. It was the first GZ event
1. Old School Battling Mookie called me out in this battle.
Lost a close decision but I thought the 3 rounds were good slipped in the 3rd had to freestyle instead of drop my actual closer is the one thing that upset me of the this battle.
I had been wanting to do a KOTD battle for awhile but the name they gave me I didnt really feel inspired to battle so I was glad when the Mookie situatiion happened

This battle was a freestyle battle I performed that night and last minute was asked to join the freestyle battle. I won the 1st round and in the 2nd round got Kid Twist. This was before anyone really knew him I only seen him once before was a little tipsy not serious and really not ready for the battle 

I will be posting the best of my favorite battlers
In the next coming weeks check for battles from
Fav in Canada: Charron
Fav Female: Yung Gattas
Fav DF: Arkaic
Fav STL: Hitman Holla
Fave Freshcoast: Thesaurus
Fav NY: Hollow The Don

and many underground rappers that I feel people need to know

Follow Me On twitter @Kngscourt

Zaze Music @zazemusic

BeastMode Battles @beastmodebattles @JonnyJibbz

 please don't forget to subscribe, rate, comment, because there's no movement without the people to move it ....If you are looking to be involved in Beastmode you can either add us on Fb @ BeastMODE ... or you can hit me up on twitter @JonnyJibbz

Check out BeastMode Battles They are a battle league based out of Toronto Canada 
Check out my battles I've done on BeastMode

5Fold Battleground Vol 1 @705iveFold