Wednesday, 21 September 2016

A Rare Look Inside Fight Klub @minnesotaluke

Sunday, 18 September 2016


I have never been a big Mike P fan and never seen the hype. I felt he was gassed as a white guy on Smack.  I think this was I seen him. He had good bars. I just don't see what makes him stand out. Hes just one of the bunch.  
I think Daylyt was too much for him when it comes to performance and charisma. Its much more than punches
But I have to say this was the first battle from Mike P I actually liked 

Only negative with Daylyt is constant repeating himself like people not catching it 
Days wordplay is actual Wordplay. Not just dumb schemes and double entendre

And says some real shit. 
Mike P is just a good rapper who does these dumb as fake gun bars to get on URL. 

I might become a fan of Mike P if he comes like this but he still got outclassed

Friday, 16 September 2016

BEST CHICKS IN BATTLE RAP @QOTRING @urltv @DontFlop @kingofthedot @grindtimenow @SaRaKaNa @BonnieGodiva @OhBlimeyTheKid @DekayRapper @EHart16 @iMyVerse @YoungGattas

Top 5 Females in Battle
This is my list for the top 5 female battlers of the modern era. I watch allot of females from different parts of the world with varying styles. This is my list of the my favorites I’ve seen in this modern battle era.
If you disagree with the list tell me why and let me know your favorite.

I will list who I like what I like about them and one of my favorite battles from them 

5. Oh Blimey I think she made a mistake in giving up battling when she did/ She had potential to really be one of the greats  Just not enough material to go on but I was a big fan

4. Dekay She will be on my list and most people will be like huh who is she. You have to be a follower of Don’t Flop and/or the UK battle scene to know who Dekay is. Why did Dekay make my list. Simply she is the best freestyler in female battle rap

3.       E hart- One of the most underrated greats in battle rap. I think she’s just a rappers rapper. She got such an MC vibe. She really needs to learn to market herself better.Other than Gattas she is probably # 1 female right now. 

2   MyVerse-Easily the best newby to the ring. Myverse been on a tear. Shes starting to get the big names and the vets and I don’t think any of them can fuck with her  on any level Aswell shes one of the sexiest battle rappers without trying to be sexy. I resect that

1. Young Gattas Gattas is easily the best female in battle rap and has been the best female in battle rap for almost the last decade. I feel that the way she came in the Grind Time circles make some people have less respect for resume However Gattas was battling dudes before many of these girls were willing to. Freestyle delivery bars She has it. There is not a female in battle rap more

Honorable Mention                                                                                                   


MzBlackPearl Is my artist so even though I think she nice enough to make the list her resume isn’t big. And her being my artist will just be bias

MsFit I been a MsFit fan she really just don’t battle enough

Bonnie Godiva Nobody can sell a fight like Bonnie and she has really impressed me 2015-2016 She been on her shit with some classic performances
And has been facing dudes on the regular 

Sara Kana  Just Because she’s Sara Kana and deserves respect

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

#DatKingShh #TBT DON'T FLOP - Rap Battle - Dirtbag Dan Vs Oshea @DirtbagDan408 @osheaefc @DontFlop @twitteurgh #battlerap

Two of my favorite battlers going head to head. I like the vibe of both DBD and Oshea battles. They are two guys I could see still battling if there wasn’t the money behind it.

Thursday, 1 September 2016


@KingOfTheDot #TBT #DATKINGSHH #WD @OrganikHipHop @TheSaurus831 @marvwon @patstay @MRDIZASTER @BonnieGodiva @DAYLYT2k @illmaculate

So because World Domination just finished I decided for Throwback Thursday I am going to celebrate some of the best battles from the past World Domination events. 
What are your favorite battles from past?
Are they different than mine?
Who did you think won these battles?
Who would you like to see on future WD events?