New Battle recap
Grips loc vs Dallas Cash known these both for awhile Lyricism vs gangsta real talk
Round 1
Grips started out pretty good had some ok name flips but as went on it ended kind of meh...
Dallas started with a rebuttal and goes in with the punch after punch
He had some ok lines
Close round edge to Dallas Cash
Round 2
I liked the round from Grips but he need to learn to put some effect in his delivery. You almost can't take it for real as he raps like he is bored which bores you
But he came with some bars
I wasn't feeling the round from Dallas as much
Had a ok rebuttal
He had the whole set up punch set up punch But the actual punch were hit and miss.
His delivery was on point and makes you feel his shit more than Grips
This battle is even
Round 3
Again Grips really needs to rap and not talk the lines. If he upped his delivery he'd get more reaction.
He had some lines but his flow is so meh....
Dallas did a weird Jamaican scheme ok punch
He went punch after punch. Nothing mindblowing but he at least punching
He doing mid round rebuttals
Dallas either takes the 3rd round
Grips is kind of overrated in the BeastMode roster his writing is really mediocre
Dallas Cash has so much potential but sometimes he doesn't reach with landing the haymaker. He's really hit and miss But his structure was nice
Easy win for Dallas Cash
OK battle