Thursday, 28 February 2019

#DatKingShh #BattleRecap #KOTD | #GZBattles | @gripslocdadahn vs. @KingDallasCash #BelowZero2

New Battle recap
Grips loc vs Dallas Cash known these both for awhile  Lyricism vs gangsta real talk  
Round 1 
Grips started out pretty good had some ok name flips but as went on it ended kind of meh...
Dallas started with a rebuttal  and goes in with the punch after punch  
He had some ok lines 
Close round edge to  Dallas Cash

Round 2

I liked the round from Grips but he need to learn to put some effect in his delivery. You almost can't take it for real as he raps like he is bored which bores you 
But he came with some bars 

I wasn't feeling the round from Dallas as much
Had a ok rebuttal  
He had the whole set up punch set up punch But the actual punch were hit and miss. 
His delivery was on point and makes you feel his shit more than Grips 

This battle is even 

Round 3 

Again Grips really needs to rap and not talk the lines. If he upped his delivery he'd get more reaction. 
He had some lines but his flow is so meh.... 

Dallas did a weird Jamaican scheme ok punch 
He went punch after punch. Nothing mindblowing but he at least punching 
He doing mid round rebuttals 
Dallas either takes the 3rd round 
Grips is kind of overrated in the BeastMode roster his writing  is really mediocre
Dallas Cash has so much potential but sometimes he doesn't reach with landing the haymaker. He's really hit and miss But his structure was nice

Easy win for Dallas Cash 
OK battle 

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

#DatKingShh #Battlerecap @LowLifeThugJakk VS @Its_NunnNunn @urltv #SMACK #RAPBATTLE @kingscourtent

New battle recap with Jakk Boy Maine vs Nunn Nunn
I haven't really watched either of these guys too much 

Round 1
Nunn Nunn was really slept on he had bars and people were really just ignoring it or weren't getting it. He went at all the goonies and had a pretty good Multiple Choice scheme 

Jakk was ok had a few big punches but he was he really gassed
I liked that he came back with a rebuttal multiple choice. 

I gave that round to Nunn Nunn edging  he was more versatile and had better punches. 

Round 2 
ok round liked the stevie wonder line
The SMACK line 
A lot of name drops but most are fire 
It picked up after a while but slipped up in the ending 
Jakk had a nice Draymond Green line
The state farm was crazy 

But overall the round was meh... 
Nunn takes it 

Round 3 
Nunn  had ok rebuttal 
Some ok lines 
Liked the 29 of feburary bar 
He slip up and had stuff messing up 
weakest round of the battle. THe crowd sleeping on him really got to him 
Jakk had a lot of sounds good energy bars weren't really there but crowd was fucking with him 
Jakk wins the round

Jakk didn't impress me way to many bow sounds gets annoying 
Nunn was good but needs to find a way to get the crowd. 
Nunn Nunn wins 2-1 

Follow me @kingscourtent 

Thursday, 21 February 2019

#DatKingShh #BattleRecap @MRDIZASTER vs @JPCaliSmoov | AHAT Rap Battle @AHATtv @LushOne

Cali Smoove Vs Dizaster. 
I didn't know Cali was Crakk City. Makes this battle more interesting
This is the best Cali I've seen. I want more rounds of this
I liked how he broke down the not talking to the crew

He did his bars

But he was doing some real talking to him on some real shit was cold 

He kinds of did some personal exposing shit was crazy
Diz comes in strong rebuttal the crew shit. 
Diz angles  on how Cali Smoove  takes 1 rounders to  catch veterans  was crazy angle 
He picked up as the round went on 

I feel weird as I feel like I am the only one who prefered Cali Smoove verse

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

#DatKingShh #BattleRecap @rapgrid @ChefTrez__ vs @brixxbelvy | #AtlantavsEverybody Follow Me @kingscourtent #3OfThemTHANGS

Two great punching mid tiers with Chef Trez vs Brixx Belvy 
ROund 1
Both were very similar just punch after punch Both were pretty fire. It could go either. But I felt more of Chefs landed so I edged to Chef Trez

Round 2 Chef started with a pretty fire rebuttal but that's what he doing

And a mediocre rebuttal 
He came with more punches but they didn't hit as hard as the first. Most were meh.. to me Had a crazy 3of them thangs bar

Brixx came in swinging crazy he was pretty fire one of his best rounds. 
Jamaican bar was crazy 
"Lift my competition like a Uber Driver" was crazy
Brixx killed this round 

Round 3 Fire rebuttal again from Chef I like his rebuttal style 

Goes in on how compares with the rest of the Sons. 
Pretty strong round fires back hitting 
Back like the 1st round 

"Up close and personal with brixx I'm patrick ewing with the layup"
Brixx comes fighting back. He drops another fire round and this round could go either way 

Overall I gotta give the battle to Brixx But it was close 

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Tuesday, 19 February 2019

#DatKing Battle Recap Danny Myers @metaphormessiah vs Bankhead @BANKHEAD2018 From @SYNDICATECARTEL - #ColdCase #RAPBATTLE

Bankhead not bad but his crowd gassing him are so annoying it makes me not to want to listen too. He has punches and some reaches He actually reminds of Danny the way they reach for lines. Sometimes it hits for me and when it does it's crazy when it doesn't they gas him anyway
Bankheads 2nd round was pretty fire he was just punching and punching 3rd was his worst round 
Danny had some rebuttals but not too crazy 
Had some nice crazyBank Nameflips but not much more few punches here and there  
Edge Round 1 to Danny Myers          
Round 2 Clear to Bankhead 
Round 3 edge to Danny Myers

Danny takes it 2-1 Close battle 

@ItsCHUBALICIOUS vs East End Clips CRB @caprapbattles #Rapbattle

This is the first time of actually seeing a East End Clips battle after seeing his name on BeastMode allot. To be honest, I'm not impressed. His flow is horrible and his bars are kind of silly.
Chubalicious kind of a vet. He's enjoyable when he's on his game. Chub comes in with a rebuttal which I really like. And he showed he's on a different level and he wasn't even his best with his delivery. He seemed to be rapping fast. But he had some punches 
Round to Chubs 
EEC 2nd round was much better. His flow and delivery still annoyed me but he had a few nice punches with the muscle workout scheme throughout the round

Another rebuttal from Chubs 
Did an Eminem scheme some was funny but I don't get a white guy doing it is for. He had some ok lines delivery was with stumbling but had better lines

Close round but Chubs
 EEC had some funny lines delivery horrible but some real funny shit 
For some reason Chubalicious 3rd got cut off 
I will give it to Clips that was his best round

Easy win for Chubalicious 

@MATHHOFFA vs THE SAURUS @JustSomeGoat1 #Decade #DatKingShh follow @kinscourtent

Fire battle  from both of them. I think Math forgot some stuff that just slowed him down a bit in this. I edged the battle to Thesaurus 2-1 I think Thesaurus took the 1st and 3rd Math took the 2nd. 1st could go either way.

I liked Thesaurus rebuttal game and that was part of what pushed him over the edge. 

So far Decade has produced amazing battles even if the names were not what everyone wanted 

@DNA_GTFOH VS DANNY MYERS @metaphormessiah @urltv

I dont know what the appeal to DNA is but the crowd seemed to love. DNA is so basic and not that intelligent lyrically. He got a few punches here and there but I feel that these two are both the worst in setups and Dannys better with punches
Round 1 Danny was slept on and was much better. People going crazy on the DNA DAN  nameflips
Danny was doing a lot of punches
DNA takes that round

Round 2 DNA was much better and the lines fit  and hit more in the first
Danny had a good rebuttal
THe NWX breakdown was clever
His DNA writing breaking down
A played out Mr. Perfect bar was kind of trash
To many DNA nameflips 
close round edge to DNA

Round 3
DNA going personal whether true or not was kind of wack
didnt like my angle
 I gave that round to Danny Myers and the battle to Danny Myers

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

I Actually Think Gjonaj was better #B2B3

Best Dizaster we seen in awhile but line for line GJONAJ  he had so much more. 
Dizaster had a lot of gas at home 
Round 1 Gave this round to Gjonaj but could go either way
Round 2 Diz did a lot of talking Gjonaj round and Gjonaj didnt have the energy he usually do 
Diz did Gjonaj impersonation Him mocking Gjonaj was a perfect rebuttal to Gjonaj choking Nothing mindblowing but performed perfectly 
Diz clearly took that one Bodybag 
Round 3 Gjonaj went in on that round His wordplay is fucking different 
Diz doing race bars so weak to me 
Diz had some good bars and good performance another round could go either way but I prefer Gjonaj 

@KingOfTheDot @GZBattles - Dose vs Dale Denton | #GZ @GZBattles @iBattleWW

Dose vs Dale Denton 
Dose would have been a bigger name on KOTD if he hadn't quit. He was on the rise. He would have at least been a GZ main eventer or a mid card mainstage rapper
Dale Denton been all around the development leagues for awhile should be a good battle 

Round 1 
Dose came in swinging. He even had a bar about coming in swinging
Very strong round from Dose back to back bars 
Dale had a similar style bar after bar. I think Dose bars were better
But Dose is an actual rapper not just battler His flow was much better
Dale also had a couple slip ups
He had some crazy lines in there 
Edge to Dose 

Round 2 
Dose come with a You look like bar just like Dale did but his was funnier 
Dose starting with some jokes breaking Dales image 
Was funny  
Dose was better at being Dale then Dale 
Loved this round 
Dale started his round with a bad bar that Dose just finished dissing him for. 
The Smash Bros line was fire 
Dale was losing was breath
Ok round from Dale 
This round went clear Dose

Round 3
Ok round from Dose 
Probably the weakest of the 3  except the ending was hard going in 
Went in on a Lexx call out 
Dale had another strong round 

Had some nice nameflips 
I think this was the strongest of Dales round 

But the delivery was off and a few slipups 
Edge to Dose

This wasn't a body but it was a clear win for Dose 3-0 
Pretty strong return hope its not a one off and he going to battle regularly

@Rare_Breed_Ent @ItsARP #PearlyGates3 Prediction Blog #DatKingShh Follow me here on twitter or www.instagram/mumbles905

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#BattleRecap #DatKingShh @GEMIN1_LDN VS @SoulWasTaken RAP BATTLE | @URLTV @AvocadoIsGod #SM8 #UKBattlerap #URLintheUK

I have to admit I never thought the day would come when Soul would have a battle on the URL stage. Now Soul is having a battle on URLs biggest event Summer Madness. Interesting for them to go to the UK. I don't know how much they can do over there without opening up for new talent of different non street styles 

Gemini had a pretty good round speaking on some real shit about Soul dissing URL and how he writes.Calling him out on some racial stuff that Soul uses Some really nice punches I hate when people use different languages cause most dont understand but ended it well 
The whole "Say Nigga" was annoying 
And calling Soul Nigga was funny to me 
He had the gas of the crowd and used it well to his advantage. Really smart plans of attack
London crowd was really hating on Soul sleeping on some real hard bars The crowd was just missing some crazy shit 
His overly angered disposition
Not liking the angle of tony d lil son lines 

His round seemed shorter. 
Good from both edged to Gemini

Round 2
Happened organically his long distance lines had some funny jokes 
Some good lines all through 
Strong round 
Soul diss Gemini for being generic Url battler 
He had a great angle with some good punches 
What are the times of these rounds as they dont seem to be the same time. 
This was a close a round and can go either way. 
Plus Gemini got in his feelings and shoved Soul and reacted to his shit 
I edge to Soul on that round 

Round 3 
Gemini did a goo real talk round to Soul  

Was well written and as a father I knew what he was saying. 
"I told Chico if I gotta stand behind bars you gotta stand in front of these one first" 

That was fire. 
He ended 3rd really hard when he doing the angles of the difference in lives. 

Soul was pretty good just rapping and dropping some heavy fucking punches 
His comic book scheme was crazy 

I think 3rd goes either way. 
If you like Gemini and certain angles than he will win. If you just like straight up punches than it would go to Soul. 
I don't know who to give. Souls punches were better and much more frequent. But I really liked the angle that Gemini did.

It goes back and forth. But right now I edge Gemini 
This was a fucking classic battle one of the best UK battles and one of my favorite URL SM battles ever. 

Yall repped the UK on URL properly 

#BattleRecap #DatKingShh @manslaughterMN Presents | So Smooth vs Queen Domo #WhatTheFUCKAreYouWearing #BBW #FashionPolice #NoSheDidn't

As you can tell by the title I gotta ask Queen Domo #WhatAreYouWearing
Who let you out like this? 
Who told you, you look good? 
I love big girls but you look ridiculous 

Onto the battle So Smooth kind of boring in the punches. Ok flow and probably got some good tracks. But allot of her punches and lyricism was basic. Almost sound like she was just freestyling a generic verses 
How could you not rhyme about her outfit

Domo had a much more battle styled delivery with the setup punch style. 
Guns bars  and schemes
She did some disrespectful lines
Nothing mind blowing but she was clearly cleaner and harder with punches

Battle goes to Queen Domo 

#BattleRecap #DatKingShh @MATHHOFFA VS @Sharkcity_Ave @URLTV

I will say off the rip I am a big Math fan and I truly think Ave is mediocre. He's Bigg K on a off day. 
I wasn't truly excited about this battle and after watching it I seen why.
So we have Math who had a pretty good 1st round and some good material in the 2nd and 3rd. Not able to get his shit of cleanly. A lot of stumbles and full on chokes. He even had to end 1 of his rounds early.  He seemed partly thrown off by the lack of reaction from the crowd. I have to admit they did seem to sleeping on the good shit Math was dropping. He was to much trying to get the crowd reaction instead of just rapping. Even Ave had to tell him stop begging at one point

On the other hand Ave seemed to be gassed this whole battle. The people were going crazy over some basic Math nameflips.  He did a lot of namedropping and stuff I've heard before. His delivery was off like he was needing to catch his breath. 
He was clean all the way through and did have the crowd. 
If you are an Ave fan you will love this battle but I don't think it will win anyone knew

Ave took this battle pretty easily. I actually give Math the first but he got bodied 2nd and 3rd 
I am suprised this battle came out. URL has vaulted better PG battles then this 

Please check out the battle 
Subscribe to Alpha League Rap battles. 

Follow me here on twitter: KingsCourtEnt
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#BattleRecap #DatKingShh @ALPHALEAGUE PRESENTS: @dycerolla vs Sinn #CashBet Follow me at Instagram Mumbles905

Ok I was actually shocked at this battle. I came in giving this to Sinn pretty easily. Dyce Rolla proved he was better than I anticipated and Sinn wasn't as good as he could be. He kept starting and stopping almost seemed he was hiding ( very well) his choking under his laughing moments. 
Punch for punch he wasn't able to carry Dyce and delivery dyce was smoother. Sinn did seem to have the crowd where he wanted.  He didn't seem to take it serious in approach of angles and preparation. Dyce was well rounded from personals punches schemes. 
First round was close and could have gone either way I edged to Dyce

2nd and 3rd round was clear to Dyce

This was a clear win for Dyce Rolla 
Sinn almost officially got bodied in this. 

Please check out the battle 
Subscribe to Alpha League Rap battles. 

Follow me here on twitter: KingsCourtEnt
Follow me on Instagram: Mumbles905 

Monday, 11 February 2019

@DNA_GTFOH VS @MickeyFactz SMACK RAP BATTLE | @urltv

I will say first off before the battle I am more of a fan of Mickey Factz over DNA. I find DNA very basic in bars 
Round 1
DNA did DNA if you like him you will like him if you don't you don't

He had some snitching schemes that was ok but I didn't know the background so went over my head
Some ok nameflips

Verbs reactions are interesting on the peoples bars. He don't seem really impressed as others for DNAs bars 

Mickey does a cool mom joke
Has some better wordplay ok punches
Much better writer and rapper 
No haymakers but some intricate flowing and rhyming 
I have Mickey bodying the round 1 

Round 2
Here's the 9 between us was the first really good bar I liked but the setup before was a stretch
Ok 50 cent scheme 
He had much better punches this round. Most of them were landing pretty well 
I think his set ups are far from the best
I think DNA delivery and live presence is great cause on camera I find his lines basic but in person it goes better. 

Mickey going in on DNA's basic style was good
People aint impressed with good writing and actually rapping anymore
I edge the round to DNA he connected to the crowd better and Mickey didn't say much. His ICE scheme was meh... 
He did have better writing

Round 3
Showing what he did for battle rap was a real good angle. Straight talking was a great shit 
THis whole album cover angle wasn't funny to me
This was a good round from DNA
Mickey break down DNA using other styles was pretty good.
The crowd wasn't reacting 

He didn't really know how to get the crowd involved but he had some ill lines 
I edge to Mickey

Everyone saying that Mickey lost DNA killed and it was a better DNA but I have to edge to Mickey winning 1st and 3rd 
Very close battle Mickey Factz wins 

@ALPHALEAGUE PRESENTS: SMITHOFWORDS vs Snaptite @Snaptiterthanu #Phase2 #TopGunna

Round 1 SmithofWords had some high lines some great wordplay but had some shit that seemed to go over my head His racism bars was crazy shit that was a great angle. #TAWP #TeamAllWhitePeople
I thought the left me hanging bar was crazy 

Ended his round better than he started 

Video game scheme was crazy as hell 
There's levels to this shit!!!
Snaptite going in punch back to back 
Some great lines
His pressence and delivery is so meh... 
"Lightskin dudes playing the shadow like Scottie Pippen"
"Connect 4 rounds in a square I'm Milton Bradley "

#OhYouANiggaTonight THat crowd reaction was hilarious
I gotta give it to Snaptite Every line hit did the basic set up punch style but pretty much hit on every line 


Hosted by: Cig Dolla (@Cig_Dolla), @HappYellaChick, & Piranha
Alpha League Entertainment contact info: 
FB: @AlphaLeagueEntertainment
IG: @AlphaLeague313
Twitter: @AlphaLeague
HappYellaChick Contact info:
Recorded & Edited by: RosA Productions
IG: TeamRosAProductions

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