Friday, 15 September 2017


Image result for xqz lu cypher


Image result for PC VS 40 B.A.R.R.S
Check out the BattleScene Review of PC vs 40 Barrs battle 

30 day Life Change

So I've been through the first week of the lifestyle transformation starting with my 30 day challenge. I haven't had a drink of coke since Sunday night. I am on day 5 of my 30 day pushup, abs and squat challenge. The coke has been difficult. Of course no real changes from the work out yet.
On self analyzing I have realized I care WAY to much about what people think of me. Even peoples whos opinion shouldn't matter. That will be one major change I am looking to work on. Push to be more of my own person.  It might cause me to lose a friend or two, however if it does, you were not really a friend in the first place.

Thanks for all the encouragement. Its greatly appreciated and yes is needed. Any support or advice you can give is welcomed.

Pictures will come in the upcoming weeks

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Mumbles 2.0 Day 2 30 Day Challenge

So yesterday was my first day without a coke to drink. I've gone a day without a coke before, but knowing I couldn't have a coke made it very difficult. Allot of water was drunk all throughout the day, but made it through lol.

When I got home I did about a 20 minute jog ( Not sure of the distance).

I have also completed Day 1 of the PushUp Squat Abs Challenge.  We will see what kind of shape I am in after these first 30 days.

I will be posting up my measurements later so I can see the actual gain I make.

Monday, 11 September 2017

Mumbles 2.0: THe Beginning of the Journey

So I did a post on Facebook about me making some lifestyle changes. These changes will be in health, wealth, renewing my faith in God, and the people I choose to associate with and how I choose to associate with them. It is time for a different energy in my life. It's time to take back power over my life

Today I am embarking on my journey with some health changes. Yesterday was the last coke I am drinking for the next 30 days. For those who have known me, they know this is a very big deal. I've had some type of pop almost everyday since I was a kid. It is my major addiction.  But I can't even let that have power over me. I have given up other vices that we might discuss later. Some people didn't even know I have But I do, so I will change it.

I will also be starting my work out plan today with some jogging after work. I am not sure what programs I am going to do to work out. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

I will be posting up pics and other information as my journey goes forward. I will falter here and there on my journey, but at the end of the day my goal is just to produce a better Philip for me and my kids.

Day 1. Lets Go