Sunday 24 March 2019

#DatKingShh #BattleRecap @brooklynbabs @MrGrindSeason presents @qotring #GUCCI vs @ms_undastoodnyc @deboqotr

We got another QOTR battle from there Heir to the Throne event. We got Miss  Undastood vs Gucci
So Mz Undastood is a true MC she can freestyle has a little nice flow great crowd control. The only issue is her bars can sometimes seem basic.  Gucci is a vet who has a nice pen if she can tie it in with the projection and delivery it would be much stronger
Pharas reactions are better than Jaz's LOL

Round 1
This round easily went to Gucci. This round exposed the weakness in Miss Undastoods pen and the strength of guccis on a different level.
Miss Undastood might have hit Gucci with Chess favorite haymaker. His reaction interrupted the battle
Round 2
Pen game of Miss Undastood went up a bit
I liked that she mentioned how all the other QOTR rappers sound pretty much the same. That's facts
Gucci rapping too fast delivery was off but had better pen Good no cursing but wasn't smooth

Round 3
Miss Undastood had some big moments and dry moments. She really gotta just tighten up the pen and master the freestyle that she do
Gucci writing was better but the delivery was off to follow

Close could either way but edging to Miss Undastood 2-1 the win

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